Design Resources

Table of contents

  1. SWPPP design resources
  2. Drainage design resources
  3. Creating Base Files

This document includes resources on SWPPP and drainage design and will help you prepare for a new project. Reviewing and understanding these resources is step one in the design process.

SWPPP design resources

Use these resources to prepare a SWPPP (Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan) project. Proper planning will protect natural resources during the construction process. Familiarize yourself with storm water solution requirements, practices, etc., prior to developing a project plan.

Review the following two resources to become more familiar with storm water:

Developing Your Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan

  • Especially Chapter 4: SWPPP Development - Selecting Erosion and Sediment Control BMPs

Storm Water: Idaho Department of Environmental Quality

  • Especially Idaho Catalog of Storm Water Best Management Practices

SWPPP files are used to map necessary best management practices (BMPs) for the construction site. SWPPP files are created from design plans and grading plans. The SWPPP consists of a set of design sheets as well as a narrative portion. The narrative is a standard set by ITD. It can be found and downloaded from here:

Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Narrative for Construction Activities (2950)

It is necessary to complete both the SWPPP design sheets and the narrative. However, the final narrative portions will be completed by the contractor prior to construction. S&C fills out as much of the narrative as possible; Heather is the DRI. Samples SWPPP narratives can be found in older S&C projects.

Drainage design resources

Use the following resources to prepare a project’s drainage plan.

Prior to starting, familiarize yourself with storm water design, soil characteristics, storm strengths, etc., by reviewing the Storm Water: Idaho Department of Environmental Quality document.

S&C uses OpenRoads Modeler to design and test drainage systems.

YouTube and Bentley both offer several trainings on how to use the software and drainage utilities. Be sure to explore the trainings offered on both to understand the program and concepts. Check out the ORD Training Links page for additional resources.

You can also call Bentley systems at 1- 800-236-8539 for help. Call before 3 pm for best results.

Creating Base Files

The drainage design begins by creating the base design file. This file is used only for design work. Sheet creation or other deliverables are not created from the design files. Further explanation about file types and their uses can be found on the New Project Setup page.

Once you conceptually understand drainage design, follow the steps in New Project Setup to start your design, then 3D File Setup once the design is set and you’re ready to model (if working on a drainage project).